Top 5 Ways to Stay Motivated During Your Telehealth Therapy Treatment

Mental health is a critical aspect of overall health and well-being. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in five adults in the United States experiences a mental illness in a given year. Mental illnesses can range from mild to severe and can impact any aspect of daily life. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat mental illness. One of the most effective treatments is telehealth therapy. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of telehealth therapy and give a few tips to help you stay motivated during your treatment. 

How does telehealth therapy work?

Telehealth therapy, or telepsychology, is a form of therapy that uses technology to connect patients with therapists. Telehealth therapy is an excellent option for people who live in rural areas or have busy schedules. 

Therapy through telehealth can be just as effective as in-person therapy. Studies have shown that telehealth therapy can be more effective than in-person therapy for some conditions, such as anxiety and depression. For instance, online CBT sessions were more cost-effective for clients than face-to-face therapy.

The benefits of telehealth therapy

There are many benefits to telehealth therapy. Some of the most notable benefits include: 

  • Convenience – Telehealth therapy is convenient because it allows patients to connect with therapists from anywhere. You just need internet access and a computer or mobile phone.

  • Cost-effective – Telehealth therapy is often more affordable than in-person therapy.

  • Increased access to care – Telehealth therapy can help increase access to care for people who live in rural areas or who have transportation issues.

  • Improved mental health outcomes – As we mentioned, studies have shown that telehealth therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy, and sometimes even more effective.

How to find a therapist who offers telehealth therapy

If you are interested in trying telehealth therapy, here are a few tips on how to find a therapist who offers it: 

  • Check with your insurance provider – Many insurance providers offer telehealth therapy.

  • Look online – There are many websites that list therapists who offer telehealth therapy.

  • Ask your regular therapist – If you have a regular therapist, ask if they offer telehealth therapy.

  • Make sure the therapist is licensed in your state – It’s important to make sure the therapist you choose is licensed in your state.

  • Choose a therapist you feel comfortable with – When you are looking for a therapist, it’s essential to choose one that you feel comfortable with.

  • An extra tip would be to look for a mental health provider who will build your treatment plan with an integrated approach. An integrated approach to mental health places the patient at the center of the treatment plan, not their diagnosis or symptoms. 

To know more about integrative mental health treatments, check our previous article here.

What to expect during your first telehealth therapy session

If you are considering telehealth therapy, you may be wondering what to expect during your first session. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure you have the right equipment – To participate in a telehealth therapy session, you will need a computer or mobile device with internet access and a webcam.

  • Choose a quiet, private location –  This will help ensure that you feel comfortable and can focus on the therapy.

  • Be prepared to talk about your goals – During your first session, your therapist will likely ask you about your goals for therapy. Be prepared to talk about what you hope to achieve through therapy.

  • Be honest and open – For therapy to be effective, you need to be honest and open with your therapist. This means being willing to share your thoughts and feelings, even if they are difficult.

  • Follow your therapist’s guidance – During your session, your therapist will likely give you some guidance on how to best participate in the therapy. It’s important to follow their guidance to get the most out of the session.

5 Tips for staying motivated during your telehealth therapy treatment

When you are undergoing telehealth therapy, it’s crucial to stay motivated and focused on your goals. Here are a few tips for staying motivated during your treatment: 

  1. One of the best ways to stay motivated is to set goals for yourself. When you have specific goals in mind, you are more likely to stay focused and driven during your therapy treatment.

  2. Another way to stay motivated is to follow your therapist’s treatment plan. This will help you track your progress and ensure that you are making progress toward your goals.

  3. Find a support system. A support system can be a great way to stay motivated during your therapy treatment. This can be a friend, family member, or even the therapist.

  4. Celebrate small victories. It’s essential to celebrate small victories along the way. This will help you stay positive and motivated.

  5. Be patient – Remember that therapy is a process. It takes time to see results. Be patient and trust the progress you are making.

Telehealth therapy can be an effective treatment option for mental health conditions. If you are considering telehealth therapy, keep these tips in mind to help you get the most out of your treatment. At Levelheaded Mind, my goal is that my patients don’t stay on the treatment for a lifetime. After a given time, I reevaluate the medication usage and the number of therapy sessions needed. 

Mental health is one of the most critical aspects of living a happy life. We transform lives through holistic mental health coaching. Levelheaded Mind provides high-quality mental health education to empower you in making informed decisions about your mental health care. Our mental health coaching services incorporate a holistic approach that focuses on building resilience for our clients. If you would like to receive 1:1 guidance on how to move forward on your mental health care journey, consider scheduling an initial mental health coaching session to level up your mental health and get unstuck.


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